
This section broaches the subject of system testing. From a systems engineering point of view, the most important tests are at the boundry of the system also known as the requirements. Testing is how we know we are done by proving that what was created is what was intended. Testing begins with test planning during the requirements analysis phase of product development. It carries on until the product is accepted by the customer. Testing occurs at all phases of product development and is generally divided into two branches. These are called validatation and verification.

Testing starts with a premise and then a set of steps to prove or disprove the premise. Automated testing employs tools that execute the test steps verifying that acceptable results are obtained.

Test Plan

The test plan is the commitment to test. It determines what level of testing will be employed. This is a business and financial decision. It commits resouces for testing and specifies consequences when tests fail. Simple products need simple tests while complex products require complex tests. The test plan is where this basic assessment is made. It specifies which documents and standards are to be applied to a product test.

Test Case

A test case defines a unit of testing to be accomplished. It often corresponds to the testing associated with a system use case. Whenever at all possible a test cases can be performed in isolation or any sequence. This is especially important for regression testing.

Test Step

A test step contains a sequence of operations that have a common set up and criteria for passage.

Test Result

A test result is a record of either successful completion or a reference to an incident report where the description of how a test failed is recorded.

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